Be Unique and Stand Out!

Julian Andrew
7 min readFeb 14, 2022
Photo by Rupert Britton on Unsplash

Starting an Online Business is an opportunity you need to grab right now! But with the overwhelming amount of people that have started one. How are you going to stand out?

Hey, How are you doing? If you are new here, My name is Julian Andrew. I am a Brand Designer based here in Manila, Philippines. I talk about Brand, Productivity, and starting an Online Business.

There are many ways to start an Online Business. Multiple models out there to try, it’s a matter of just trying till one works. Let me help you through. If you are reading this, that means you either already have a business or probably are thinking of doing one.

Is Business the Right Path for you?

Before you do anything else, let me ask you. Why do you want to start an Online Business or a Business? Is it to have more income? More money? Have a Luxurious life? If your answers are within those of what I have said. Then I suggest you stop reading now and start finding work. If you are only here to have money? You should have stable work, and do savings or invest in things than start a business.

Photo by Avi Waxman on Unsplash

Now if your answer is, I want to share my interest with people, or maybe, I would love to teach people what I am passionate about. Then let’s talk! I always believed that Business is always about providing Value to Society. It is not about having the most money but rather having the most value given.

Companies and businesses that have reached the top are the same people who did not care about money. But rather they were people that are passionate, obsessed, and a big nerd to what they are passionate about. That’s what makes them different.

If you are still reading this means, you probably really do want to start a business. So either you started this to have more money or to provide value. It does not matter. I will teach you how to start one and how to stand out from the crowd! Ready?

Photo from Unsplash

Find your People!

The first step is to find your people! Sounds funny? Might be weird? But trust me, if you have an interest or a hobby. You are bound to find another one who has similar likes and dislikes as you. This is how Social Media Influencers take advantage of Social Media. They target people who have the same vibes as them or want to have the same vibes as them.

You might be wondering…

What the hell is “Find your People!” got to do with my Business?

Well simply put it as, if you have a product in your hand, whether be it a food, a thing, a digital product, or an e-learning asset, finding the same people like you will help you sell the product. Think of it this way, I am a Musician. I have a product called ‘Pick’. It is the thing a guitarist use to play the guitar. Guess what? If I offer the ‘pick’ to a guitarist. The chances of them buying my product are higher than to someone who does not play guitar and loves golf.

This is how Businesses work. If you have a Flower shop. Do not sell them to Guys? Unless it’s Valentine’s Day. If you are a Cafe owner, do not sell your coffee to a person who loves tea. The idea is, to find the right people. Don’t just blindly sell your products to everyone. Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  • Where do they normally go every day?
  • What kind of entertainment do they enjoy?
  • What do they normally do during their vacations?

The idea is, to understand them. Understand what they want, and think about how can I create a common ground with them.

The next step is…

Photo from Unsplash

Find the Pain, Offer the Solution

But Julian, I am a coffee shop owner! I do not think my customers have pain. How can Coffee be a solution? Well, first of all. When do you drink coffee? Is it only during the morning? Guess what, people drink coffee in the morning, afternoon and sometimes at night! Why do people drink coffee? Well to fight off sleepiness. Guess what, you can now start creating an idea around that. You can say that your business is all about helping you stay awake during your Afternoon Slump!
Find the pain! Once you understand who your customers, prospects, or audiences are. Figure out what makes them unhappy. It could be emotional, it could be mental, it could be something they do not like to go through every day.
The key here is to find that specific pain point that could be solved with your product!
The perfect example for this is UBER and Grab. They took away the pain of having to wait for a Cab on the street by creating an application that could book Cabs. They took that to the next level by allowing normal citizens who already have cars but travels alone. They found a pain point and used that to create a solution. So how can you apply that?
If you are interested in cooking for example, and you want to use that to start an online business. Well, why not start with showing them how to cook difficult foods, or maybe teach them different recipes and techniques that you have found out from the years of you trying to cook.
Now that you know who your audience is and their pains! The next step is…

Photo from Unsplash

Connect Not Sell

A lot of Businesses start by SELLING THEIR PRODUCTS RIGHT AWAY! Guess what, THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU ALREADY IN THE MARKET! This is why you are reading this in the first place. Stop selling and start creating meaningful connections! Gary V_____ says

“ Quote from Gary about Marketing”

Stop selling and start connecting. People now have more choices than before. So before you even start selling your products, start by creating a community of people. When you have a group of people, then start introducing your products to them. This is perfect because most likely than not, they will be interested in what you have to offer. Because again, they have the same interest as you!

Cultivating that trust is KEY to a successful business! Companies do not focus solely on trying to get new customers. They focus more on taking care of their loyal customers. When you have loyal customers, they will be the ones that will do the rest of the marketing for you!

So how do you build trust?

As much as possible connect to them, figure out their pain and offer the solution. Now how are you going to offer the solution? This is through the personality of your business. Human Beings are wired to have meaningful connections. So if your business has a human side to it. A Human personality. People are more likely to feel the want to trust and resonate with you. This is why Brand Persona, one of the pillars of Brand, is important for any business. Brand Persona helps with creating a Human Experience in their business. It makes them feel more like they are being helped by your business than being sold to.

If you have found value in this Article. Give it a Clap and share it with one person! Just talk about it, or share this very article with them! Also, if you want. I have a Newsletter Community where I send out different tips in starting a business, creating value for your customers, and how to upscale your business and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of having. So if you are interested, just sign up using this link. IT IS FREE! So do not miss out on an opportunity that will change your life!

Photo from Julian Andrew, Vismatic Studio Creative Agency

Now the last step is…Create a Visual that is Memorable! Simply put as

Easy and Memorable

In this last step, my best bet is. You already have a hard time doing the first three. But tell you what, I will try to make this easy for you.

Think of your logos like this:

  • You do not need a Fancy Logo for your Business.
  • You do not need to have the most unique and detailed Logo in your Business.

All you need is a SIMPLE MARK, an EMBLEM, that can be easily remembered by your audience and can quickly associate with you! If you want to hear my 50 cent advice? Take your first three steps to a Brand Strategist and a Brand Designer. Your headache will be gone in a month and you can start creating more value for your customers and at the same time, start growing your business.



Julian Andrew

A Brand Strategist and Designer dedicated to helping entrepreneurs start, build, and upscale their businesses so they can start living the life they dreamed of